Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cold air=depression.

I really like this picture although it is huge. So maybe it won't look to great and fuck up the beautiful feung shey...(I know I spelled that wrong)..of my site.
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Winter is steadily coming. It's kinda cold outside and winter is the best time to sit back and reflect. And remember. Remember what it was like winters ago. Ages ago it seems. I am different now. In a different shell. In a different persona. Yet not all that different after all. Do people change more than I do? Does the world drift around my head without taking notice? Does it matter that my simple being on this planet effects at least something in the ripples of the future? Because it does. I might be a piece of shit on the side of the road, but someone has to step over it. Hahaha...I'm tired.

Damnit! Now I made the pic small and now you can't read it. The bottom part says, "Sand is over rated. It's just tiny little rocks."

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