Monday, August 18, 2008

Work bites.

So I got called off of work tonight. You know I sorta enjoy being lazy...and like not working. You know that people in Europe get paid vacations all the friggin' times...or paid time off...because they figure that someone shouldn't be at work all the increases productivity to get a just had six months off...and I already hate work. I work friggin' part time. I'm kinda glad I didn't have to go to work tonight only amigo has left third shift...which bites. I'm pretty bad at making I don't talk to I guess that deters them from making friends with me. Oh and I would like to say....if you are around a rather quiet person don't say, " can come over here and talk to us...we don't bite." Someone said that recently to my boyfriend...and I was like cringe...I hate that shit...I just want to inform you that that does not make us more inclined to come chat...geesh...ok...this blog was about nothing? Possibly.

1 comment:

Greta said...

Work is pretty retarded sometimes, but it's also ridiculously easy. The first shift people are kind of annoying and don't even acknowledge me when I talk. At least your shift is nice.

I had a picture of a guy with a guinea pig today. It was super sweet.